
Hi! I’m Mila, an Evolutionary Astrologer, Intuitive Guide and a truth-seeker by nature. I provide a unique way of reconnecting with your authentic self through the utilization of different modalities such as evolutionary astrology, card reading, and intuitive guidance. My goal is to create a safe space for individuals to be able to express themselves freely and without fear of being judged. I support them in retrieving the rejected aspects of themselves, finding a sense of acceptance and self-validation.

My intention 
Is to lead people towards self-empowerment so they can feel free to pursue a life of purpose and deep meaning. If you feel stuck, disempowered and don’t know why your life lacks a sense of purpose, meaning and happiness, book a reading with me. I can help guide you towards understanding of your soul’s path and help you uncover your evolutionary potential.

Where my journey began…

 I was born into an environment where I didn’t fit in and felt like a black sheep. When I had my first Nodal Return I relocated to England and my expansion process began. During my Nodal Reversal and Saturn Return I started working on cruise ships which enabled me to travel all around the world and seek knowledge through different perceptions of reality.

During this period I started diving deeper into spirituality, crystal healing and self-development.

In 2020, when Uranus conjuncted my natal Sun, I experienced my awakening and astrology (re)entered my life. It felt like remembering a long lost tool rather than learning it for the first time. Astrology opened my mind and helped me to understand a lot about myself and people around me but it still didn’t answer the main question that played a major role in my life: WHY?


In 2021 I came across Evolutionary Astrology (EA) and suddenly everything started falling into place. EA centres around Pluto – our Soul’s desire for incarnation – and helps to answer all the “Whys”. The intention of Pluto is to make you face all that is keeping you feel stuck and disempowered, and helps you to discover a path towards self-empowerment.

Understanding life through the lens of EA completely changed my life. It showed me an entirely different way of seeing my chart and perceiving reality. Everything I have ever experienced suddenly made sense. I no longer felt like a victim of my life’s circumstances or thought that things were happening to (for) me at random. All of a sudden, I felt a sense of validation, peace and understood what I am here to do, and why I have to go through the challenges I have been experiencing in my life.